Saturday 20 September 2014

Saturday Morning Rantings │ Muyiwa Olasehinde

Well, basically, it is Saturday Morning and, with no fixed schedule for the day, I am in a mood to rant.

I recently began another phase in my academic verve and in the pursuit of purpose in the "Hippocraticean" order and while it might be too premature to begin my doxologies and eulogies, I want to jump the gun.

Though it might be more convenient to be grateful for the various victories, successes and good-times that I have been privy to over the years, I am more grateful for the challenging times, the seemingly intractable days, the gloominess that envelopes my heart each time I failed, that despair I feel each time when I seemed so helpless, the pain of purpose and the sorrow of a determined skin.

I am most grateful, however, for the lessons I have picked over the years, the thick skin I have grown, the seemingly painless way I always seemed to bounce back, even if just for a moment, and the person I have grown to be today.

I can look back and say with all sense of assurance that my dreams have not been shattered. I have not lost a bit of courage than I had five, 10 or 20 years ago. I have gotten better at life and stronger at fights (and maybe bigger in size?)

Today, I look forward to the future with much assurance and dignity knowing that whatever encounters I have is only a chapter in the book that will surely pass. The visions and dreams for the future are still as intact as when I began seeing them fourteen (14) years ago and I am propelled on by the little part that I have seen materialise before me.

P.S. I know this does not exactly qualify as a "rant" but I just couldn't find another vocabulary to depict what I was doing.

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