Thursday 12 April 2012


What comes to your mind when you think of taking risks with your life – driving recklessly, accidents, smoking? These are certainly risky but do not in reality pose enough risk as some of the ‘harmless’ habits or everyday behaviours which in itself might not look a risk but in accumulated amounts, are the leading causes of death in the world. This could include but not limited to unbalanced nutrition, a lack of physical exercise, sleep deprivation, stress build-up et al. Sounds familiar? Yeah, probably part of the reasons why the life expectancy of Nigeria is far lower than that of other developing nations. However, developing a healthy life is a choice we have to make. Share with me this quote from Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister in the 19thcentury:
“The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a State depend.”
In this age of alcohol addictions, fast foods, obesity, the rat race and various kinds of environmental pollution, developing this culture, though difficult, could be easier only if you would EAT, PLAY, RELAX and BALANCE. Yes, it’s that simple.

EAT – build up good energy
To get a better understanding of how our food affects our health, think about the human body as a machine and the food as the fuel. The old adage, you are what you eat, still rings true.The truth is that most of us don't get the "fuel" we need each day to maintain our bodies. We either eat too much of the foods that cause our bodies to give out quickly or don't drink enough fluids to stay properly hydrated.
§ If you eat a variety of foods in the recommended amount throughout the day, you will ensure that your body is getting the food it needs to stay healthy. Everyone can recite

the components of a balanced diet but do not make conscious attempts to eat balanced meals.
§ Keep in mind that the most important meal of the day is breakfastbecause it provides fuel for an active lifestyle and gives you the energy to think faster and more clearly.
§ Also, eat only when you are hungry not when you are angry, bored or sad. The amount of food you eat should depend on the extent of your hunger.
§ As much as possible, avoid the temptation to eat in between meals. Snacks, fast foods and energy drinks would do your weight no good.
§ Take a sizeable portion of fruits EVERYDAY. They help maintain your immunity and cleanse your body of impurities.
§ Finally, drink water, as opposed to alcohol and sugar-filled drinks. Water helps your immunity, keeps your skin fresh and aids your digestion.

PLAYfind joy in being active
Many of us have weight issues as a result of our refusal to do regular exercises. We prefer to build up so much energy and fat via eating but do not want to degrade the ‘store’. Regular physical activity reduces the risk of heart and other diseases.
Physical activity can also help reduce the risk of certain cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure and control weight. It also contributes to healthy bones, muscles, joints, balance and even has been associated with reducing anxiety and depression.
It doesn't take running 10 miles a day or pumping iron at the gym seven days a week. Simply work at least 30 minutes of brisk exercise into your life five days a week and you'll start to see a difference.

RELAX – manage stress
We all feel stressed at times. How you react to stress will determine its effect on you. Take steps to prevent stress when you can and manage it when you can’t. All work and no play, they say, makes Jack a dull boy. Although there is no one size fits all rule for managing stress, we must however make conscious decisions to take time out of our regular and daily schedules to do the ordinary things. This could be very helpful especially for those who read or work long hours every day of the week. Give yourself a break. The following tips could help you out:
  • SLEEP – 6-8 hours of sleep everyday is compulsory for a healthy life
  • Call a friend.
  • Give yourself a mini face and neck massage.
  • Hang out with a friend or loved one.
  • Read poetry or a short story that has a happy ending.
  • Meditate.
  • Do some deep breathing exercises.
  • Take a warm, relaxing shower.
  • Turn the lights down and just rest quietly.
  • Put a warm cloth over your eyes and relax.
  • Listen to good music – music gives healing to the soul
BALANCE – add balance to Your Life
We all want a balanced, happy life. Achieving it is sometimes is a challenge. But you can take better control through a few easy steps.
  • Determine what is really important to you. List what is most important to you and focus your energy on those people and things.
  • Let go of unnecessary activities. Get rid of the time thieves that take you away from the things that you enjoy.
  • Guard your "me" time. While you would most likely not miss an important appointment or lecture, you need to protect the time you've scheduled for yourself. TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE.
  • Let others help you. You are not a super hero, so you truly can't do everything.
Just as you plan for a doctor's appointment or work, plan for fun. Schedule in play time each day. Put it in your day planner and keep that time sacred.

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